Alabama Representative Jerry Carl Assures HR6180 Won’t Alter State Gambling Laws

MONTGOMERY, AL – A new bill in the Alabama House of Representatives has sparked concerns among residents. Many are worried about potential changes to the state’s strict gambling laws. However, Representative Jerry Carl, a key sponsor of the bill, has clarified the situation. He states that House Bill HR6180 will not affect Alabama’s stance on gambling.

Focus on Land Rights, Not Gambling

House Bill HR6180, which Carl and Representatives Terri Sewell, Mike Rogers, and Barry Moore introduced, aims to update the legal status of land the Poarch Creek Tribe owns. The bill ensures that the tribe’s lands receive the same recognition as those of other federally recognized tribes under the Indian Reorganization Act.

“The purpose of this bill is to secure fair treatment for the Poarch Creek Tribe’s lands under federal law, just like any other recognized tribe,” Carl said in a statement. “This legislation has nothing to do with gaming laws in Alabama.”

Public Concerns Over Potential Gambling Expansion

Despite Carl’s assurances, some Alabama residents remain concerned. They worry that HR6180 could lead to an expansion of gambling within the state. The fear is that once the Poarch Creek Tribe’s lands are fully recognized, they might use the opportunity to expand gaming operations. Gambling has long been a contentious issue in Alabama.

Local news outlets, including Alabama Political News, have reported on this apprehension. While the bill’s language does not directly address gambling, some fear unintended consequences. This has sparked opposition from various groups.

Carl’s Response to the Opposition

In response to these concerns, Carl has been clear. He emphasizes that HR6180 is strictly about land rights. The bill aims to provide legal clarity. It ensures the Poarch Creek Tribe can continue investing in Alabama without altering the state’s gambling laws.

“My bill has absolutely nothing to do with gaming,” Carl reiterated. “It’s about ensuring the Poarch Creek Tribe has a level playing field for their land. It’s not about changing any laws related to gambling in Alabama.”

Support from Other Legislators

HR6180 has gained significant support from other Alabama lawmakers, including Sewell, Rogers, and Moore. These co-sponsors stress the importance of the bill. They believe it is vital for maintaining the Poarch Creek Tribe’s contributions to the state’s economy. This includes job creation and community development.

“We believe this bill is essential for the continued growth and prosperity of the Poarch Creek Tribe and, by extension, Alabama as a whole,” said Sewell. “It’s crucial that their lands are recognized fairly under federal law.”

Implications for the Poarch Creek Tribe

If passed, HR6180 would solidify the Poarch Creek Tribe’s legal standing. It ensures their lands are recognized and treated the same as other tribal lands under federal law. This would enhance the tribe’s ability to continue its economic contributions to Alabama without affecting the state’s gambling regulations.

Carl and his co-sponsors have been clear. The bill is not about expanding gambling. Instead, it’s a necessary step to support the Poarch Creek Tribe’s ongoing efforts. This includes work in real estate, healthcare, and agriculture.

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